Finding Balance

Sometimes, it can be hard to find time for yourself. Between work, family and friends, there just aren’t enough hours in the day! I think a lot of women believe that setting aside ‘me’ time means dedicating an entire day or weekend to yourself. And if you think about it that way, then yes, it is hard to find time for yourself. Especially if you’re a mom (which I am not, just to be clear.) But you don’t have to carve out hours and hours to find time for yourself. Finding time for yourself shouldn’t be an added stressor!

Instead, try setting aside a few hours a week. Take some time to simply do your nails. Or go on a walk. Catch up on some shows, or do one of those creepy sheet masks, or do both at the same time! Setting aside time to pamper yourself or just be by yourself is so, so, SO important. Discovering a way to relax and just enjoy your own company is necessary. Even if you have to knock some chores out! Have time for a face mask, but not your shows? Throw the mask on while you vacuum or fold the laundry! That mask is solely for you, and that’s the point.

Deciding to make yourself happy is the easiest way to stay happy.


100happydays Challenge

Happy Wednesday, SASSY‘s! I wanted to start the day by telling you about this new challenge I’ve signed up for. It’s the 100 Days of Happiness challenge.

The challenge is pretty simple – register here, and then upload one photo a day for 100 days of something that makes you happy. Sounds easy right? Believe it or not, 71% of people fail the challenge, claiming that lack of time was the reason. 71% of people are too busy to find 1 thing a day to be happy about.

So, in an effort to be more positive, I’ve taken this challenge. Starting today, I will be posting 1 photo of something that makes me happy using the hashtag #100happydays here and on Instagram. If you’d like to follow my challenge, you can find my Instagram by clicking here. I’ll accept your follow request so you can take this journey with me!

I encourage everyone to join me on this challenge! That is, if you think you have the time 😉

Things I Want My Future Daughter to Know

Dear (Future) Daughter,

Hi, it’s me. Your future mom. You may not be here yet, but there are some things I want you to know.

I want you to know that you are worth everything. You are worth all the time, effort and energy a person can give. So if they’re not making space for you in their life, they’re not worth your time.

I want you to know that you can do anything in the world, but you may not be able to do everything, and that’s okay. Please do not let the fear of missing out on one thing hold you back from experiencing so many other things. The world is your playground, and I hope you spend your life having fun. It’s an adventure.

You have the power to create your own fate, even when you are feeling powerless. Strength comes from within.

I want you to love yourself. No matter what anyone else around you looks like, you are perfect exactly the way that you are. You are not made to fit inside a box – yours or anyone else’s. Our bodies are incredible creations – don’t waste your time hating yours.

They called you bossy? Good. Be the boss.

I want you to know you are going to mess up. Life isn’t always going to go your way, and you might put yourself in a pickle every now and then. And that’s totally, 110% okay. It’s normal, in fact. I want you to know you can always come to me for help, but you have to learn to help yourself, too.

It’s okay to feel lost. It’s okay to not know who you are. It’s said that life is a journey, and those are true words. It’s a journey that should be spent finding yourself, finding happiness, and finding love.

I want you to know that love is gentle. It should not steal your energy, it should not steal your self confidence. Love should lift you up, it should nourish your soul. Love should feel like home.

But that doesn’t mean love won’t hurt. That doesn’t mean your heart won’t break. Sometimes, you’ll have to break your own heart. And I’ll be there for you to pick up every piece.

Stand up for what you believe in, even if it’s hard. You may face ridicule or self doubt, but trust your gut. Don’t give up on your values or your character – they make you who you are (and who you aren’t.)

Don’t apologize for being you. Don’t ever apologize for feeling a certain way, or thinking a certain thought. Your mind is beautiful, and your heart is pure. Be unapologetic-ally you. Always.

The bravest thing you can ever do is ask for help.

I want you to know that a man cannot define you. He cannot control you, and he cannot contain you. Don’t forget this.

Please cherish the people you love. It may seem sappy, silly or embarrassing. But showering your family and friends with love is the kindest, most important thing you can do. No one is going to be around forever. And you’ll only regret the times you didn’t say “I love you.”


I want you to know that this world…it’s big, and it’s scary. But it’s also beautiful, and majestic and mysterious. Someday, when you grace this world with your presence, you’re going to love it.



Your (Future) Mother


Following my last post, I’d like to make an update. In my previous post, I stated we would be interviewing women who owned businesses in the Chicagoland area. We’d like to open this up to all small business entrepreneurs – both men and women! Again, if you have any suggestions, questions you would like us to ask or businesses you would like us to feature, leave us a comment!



New Spotlight – Coming Soon!

We are going to start an ongoing Spotlight series, featuring women-owned businesses in the Chicagoland area. Girl power, ya’ll! These spotlights will contain videos of interviews with the owners. We can’t wait to start! If you have any suggestions and/or businesses you would like us to feature, please comment below! Or on any post! Comments everywhere!!

Thanks for your help, we are very excited to start this series!


Later, SASSY sisters!